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A member registered Apr 02, 2015

Recent community posts

Absolutely in love with this. Made it to floor 13 before encountering severe framedrop.

This hits me with a lot of nostalgia!

One bug; Dimensional shield doesn't seem to resolve properly and goes into negative turns instead of getting destroyed.

Just would like to say thank you for making such a solid mario party fangame. I come back to this all the time (specially since it plays in browser) and it's always a treat to see a new update!

Is there a way to see how much mana abilities take?

Really fun mechanics! I love the mod system, everything feels really connected and there's a lot of potential for different builds every run

Not sure if this would be too far from your plan for this game, but I like the idea of opening cells being your energy source, and mines are possible self-damage?

That way, energy is more consistent (maybe directly related to the numbers on clues you find, and inflate energy values on everything to balance?), and also opens up possible self-damage builds. Sorry if this is a lot of ideas at once!

The concept is very fun! Just curious, is it intentional to have to jump up for the switches in 3D? I noticed they were different from the button in the headset room, bc I thought I was stuck until I tried jumping up to them

I'm so excited for this game! I did find some bugs, however, although it might be that I used the wrong version. The text cuts off at the bottom(Just dialog, I think?), and the menus don't seem to update quite right (The active pets list doesn't update correctly when reserving and bringing out pets, and the quantity numbers in the equip tab don't move with their items). Keep up the good work!

There's so much potential to this!! I grew up with Paper Mario and the design and gameplay give me so much nostalgia. The art is so unique and charming! I'd love to see this to completion. Keep up the good work!